Friday 10 January 2020

Post 7 counter power: March for our lives

 March For Our Lives is an association and a big movement in which young people are fighting against the use of weappons in america in order to reduce the death rate. In the first video we can see a fiew students talking to the crowd telling their own experience when it comes to the death of their ftriends, they explain what were their names and how they want to change the laws in america.
So they tell that in front of a huge young crowd who are very attentive and stick together.
The young people who are making a speech are most of them crying. So in overall they want to change everything they want to live a life much less dangerous. One of their slogan is "the young people will win" .

The second video is about a young girl who tells in front of a group of people how to survive when a killer is about to find you and kill you. She tells tips, for example if your in a classroom you have to put yourself below your desk without making any noise.

 The first picture that we can see in their website is about their objectif. They want to reduce the death rate, it tells that over 40 000 people dies every year. Furthermore It tells that to really fight the problem we have to identify the origin and to fight it.

The second picture shows that they want to regroup as many as possible people to come join them to their fight. It tells that if we dont invest ourselves nobody will.

The third picture shows a demonstartion of young people complaining for their right. They say that it is unacceptable for the people to have a price. For example in Florida each person cost one point five dollars.
MARCH 25, 2018

In this picture we can see a group of people in a demonstration.They are holding placards telling that the state and the NRA have to listen to them. They want to change everything when it comes to gun. They want guns not to be allowed. These people are mostly old and it shows that the movement march for our lives as begun to spread. Because " March for our lives" movement is principally organized by young people. At the beginning they were only young people. So we can imagine that their beliefs and fight will  spread further.


    OVERALL MARK: 15/20
