Wednesday 25 March 2020

Post 11: Spaces and Exchanges, a Mind Map

Sir, I didn't quite understand the work we had to do, so I hope that what I did, is correct. Kind regards.

We live in a society which is represented by globalization, and consumerism.

Globalization or globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwild. Consumerism: is a social and economic order that encourages an acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. What could define also those terms are "Spaces and exchanges". Today we are going to focus on them. In order to see the clear distinction between "spaces and exchanges". We will see, on what they are about, and what clearly distinguish one from an other.

First of all, there is a distinction between Spaces. On one hand there is the "Real Spaces", which is all the territories where humans live, and in which they modified the environment for them, to participate to globalization. It can be small towns, or big cities.
On the other hand there is the "Virtual spaces". Which is all the virtual infrastructures created by human in order to communicate worldwide, and to get informed. Furthermore they participate to globalization. It can be social networks or websites.
Secondly, "Exchanges" are all the activities created by humans for them to enjoy, and to work. It can be online gambling. 
Moreover, they are all the flow of people, communication and merchandise. It can be international migration.
To conclude, there is Indeed a distinction between "Real Space", "Virtual Spaces", and "Exchanges". The three of them participate to globalization but in different aspects.

Otherwise, in order to distinguish better those terms, we can define a few aspects of their importance in the world. In "Real Spaces" we are going to define 10 terms. 
The third world: are less developped countries and are in Asia, Africa and Latin America continents. They are low industrialized, and they don't have services. Also the education is very poor.
The first world: are the insutrialized capitalist countries of Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. They are the ones which have made their industrial revolution in the 19th century, before the others countries. So we can define them as industrialized countries.
The country side: is in the land not In towns, cities, or industrial areas, that is either used for farming or left in its natural condition. There is a little bit of commerce. And or little invested in globalization.
Small towns: is used to refer to small social groups where ordinary people live. Also it refers to small places. They don't have a big impact in globalization. 
Big cities: The big city is used to refer to a large city which seems attractive to someone because they think there are many exciting things to do there, and many opportunities to earn a lot of money. That being said, big cities are fairly well involved in globalization because they attract a lot of people. And also there are firms that exchange a flow of communication or merchandises with firms of others big cities.
Global cities: is also called a power city, is a city in which is a primary node in the global economic network. Those cities are highly involved in globalization because of severals aspects: firstly they communicate with all the global cities through firms, networks. Secondly, they have a big economic impact for their country. Often, their PUB, which is the money a global city earn in one year, is very impactful for the PIB, which is the money a country earn in one year. 
Superpower: is a state with a dominant position characterized by its extensive ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. So they have a big impact in globalization. They are the richest countries in the world, in which there are important flow of people, communication and merchandise.
Developed countries: are the countries which have an economic and advanced technological infrastructures in contrary to "least developed countries".
Emerging powers: are countries which are in the middle of their industrialization, or just have finished their industrialization. In a near future they will have a big impact in globalization.
The environment: In the environment there are differents types of areas. We call them ecosystems. There is the under water ecosystem, the earth ecosystem and the sky ecosystem. 

In a different way, we are going to define five terms in the "Virtual Spaces".
Blogosphere: is all the works we do in a blog, and see by other people.
Websites : Are all the things we can watch in internet, it is a huge platform where films, studies, and all the informations in the world are. It works thanks to artificial intelligence controled by humans.
Social Networks: Are all the platforms in which you can communicate with the entire world. Also you can get informed of the direct news, and comment on it.
Chat rooms and forums: Are also the platforms where you can communicate with people worldwide. Where you can discuss important matters or funny and ordinary matters.
Cellular networks: is a communication where the last link is wireless. The network is distributed over land areas called "cells", each served by at least on location transceiver, but more normally, three cell sites or base transceiver stations. 

Finally we are going to define five terms of exchanges.
Online gaming: is a platform where you can play with other people via videos games, you can exchange discussion and tactics. It takes part of the exchange of communication and datas. 
Online gambling: It is the same as the online gaming but you gamble money, you can loose money or earn money. And it takes part of the exchange of money and the redistribution. 
Ilegal drug trade: In globalization there are those places where drug trade is highly omniscient. Those places are called "grey areas". The commerce of drugs is illegal, but a lot of people do it, in differents scales: dealer, suppliers and the boss.
Text messaging: It is a message which is send by someone and received by an other. It is involved in globalization because it is a flow of communication.
International migration: is the process of moving from one country to an other. It is involved in globalization as a flow of people.




  1. This looks OK, Alex. You'll find your mark in a new comment once all blog posts have been published by your classmates. In the meantime, keep up the serious homework.

  2. 1. MIND MAP: 3,5/4
    2. SPACES: 7,5 /8
    3. EXCHANGES: 7,5/8
    OVERALL MARK: 18,5/20
    An outstanding piece of personal work, Alex. Congrats!
